ENGEL Global


Partner booths

The ENGEL booth is not the only one that prominently features green. Our machines are also enhancing our partners’ booths.
You can find out where and with which applications here:

MachinePartnerHall / BoothApplication
victory 330/80 techLenzkesHall A2 / Booth 2216Dice shaker
victory 330/80 techONIHall A5 / Booth 5103Ice scraper
e-mac 50/50MomentiveHall A4 / Booth 4307Electronic plug
e-motion 50/50 TLCavity eyeHall A5 / Booth 5126Plates
e-motion 170/110 THekumaHall A7 / Booth 7305Interdental cleaner
Available languages
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